The city of Memphis has a poverty rate of 24.6%, but the child poverty rate for children is higher. The child poverty rate is 39.6%. While organizations around the Mid-South offer food drives, some families just don’t have the transportation to get there. Transportation is a key social determinant of health and nutritious meals. We have partnered with YMCA of Memphis & The Mid-South to helps address this gap by meeting kids in the neighborhoods where they live and play – their home apartment complexes, childcare centers and afterschool programs. With a goal to provide high-quality meals and excellent service to our Apartment Life residence within the community. Meet our Hospitality Team! They have a passion for food and a willingness to serve.
We provide every scholar that enters our center with a free, nutritious meal and snack every Monday through Friday. Our meals consist of a nutritious meal complete with fresh fruits and vegetables, snack, milk, and juice.
We provide every scholar that enters our center with a free, nutritious meal and snack every Monday through Friday. Our meals consist of a nutritious meal complete with fresh fruits and vegetables, snack, milk, and juice.
*Please be advised that meals will not be served on any major holidays or during school and center breaks.
Kordissa Phillips, Hospitality Leader
In 2017, I began working for Giving Youth a Chance (GYAC) as a member of the Hospitality Team at Red Door Urban Missions (RDUM). While working at RDUM, I maintained high standards of customer service during high-volume, fast-paced operations, mastered keeping track of inventory being distributed, followed procedures for safe food packaging and presentation, and become a well-rounded food service worker in the process. My past experience and contribution helped me to create a pleasant experience for all the children and their families. Not to mention, the thrill I get when I see the faces of the children smiling back at me when I hand them their lunch and snack throughout the year.
KORDISSA PHILLIPSAs a child, I got my first experience in the food service industry. At just 11 years old, I began helping my grandmother and aunt serve hot meals to the congregation and the community every Sunday evening. I remember going to the church every day after school and then having to get up bright and early every Saturday morning to prepare for the dinner the next day. It was just me, my little sister, and my cousins. We would set the tables while the adults cooked dinner. In doing so, we made sure the guest would have everything they needed to enjoy their meal. As we worked, we could smell the aroma of dinner filling the air. When we were done setting the tables, we would go and watch as the adults transformed basic ingredients into gourmet meals. As the years and days passed, I continued to be a servant of God’s work.